Blogger Profile: Meg Go Run


Yesterday’s Workout: Rest day (other than walking the dogs!)
Wednesday’s Workout: 3.15 miles @ 30:15

Happy Friday, everyone! This week, I’m featuring a Q&A special guest blogger on 26.2×2. Before I get started with the Questions and Answers, though, I need to give you a proper introduction to this awesome blogger, Megan of Meg Go Run.

This girl is a huge inspiration to me, and here’s why: Megan’s blog was one of the first that I found when I first started 26.2×2. I have always been truly grateful for the great friends that I’ve made on the blogging community, and Meg has been an awesome friend! She has been reading my blog since the very beginning (I definitely have the most comments from her), and she’s always so sweet! But aside from that super wonderful awesomeness, she’s a rock star runner, too. She’s completed Boston, I don’t know how many times, has done an ultra, trail runs, you name it, she’s probably done it.

This past winter she suffered from an injury, and was really patient about coming back into running. She was even doubtful as to whether or not she’d be able to do Boston…but she rallied, and of course, rocked it! She served as a huge inspiration to me while I was laid up with my own injury (which didn’t last half as long as hers), and by attaining her goal, despite the setbacks. Now that I’ve written a book before the Q & A has even started, I’m going to sit back and let her share her own story with you:

Name, age, blog: Megan Michael, 31, Meg Go Run

How long have you been running?
I ran with no real purpose all through college. I just wanted to make sure I didn’t gain the Freshman 15. I didn’t love running, I didn’t own proper runner shoes… I would not call myself a runner. In 2006 I trained for my first marathon, so I say I’ve been a runner since 2006.

What/who inspired you to start running?
My then boyfriend’s (now husband) mother ran marathons and ultras and she inspired me to get out there and train for a marathon. I learned a lot from her and often wonder if I would have gotten into marathons otherwise!

What were some goals that you had when you first started running, and how have those goals changed over the course of time that you’ve been running?
At first I didn’t really have a lot of goals… just to run marathons and complete them. Then I decided I wanted to qualify for Boston- which I did in 2009. After that, a lot of my friends I ran with were doing ultras, so I decided wanted to do a 50 miler- which I did! I definitely get into two different mindsets with my goals- it’s either a speed goal or a long distance goal. The two don’t really go hand in hand for me because the training is so different- short and sweet vs. long and slow! My current goal is to get some of my speed back while continuing to heal my knee… not sure how to balance those two things yet but I’m working on it!

What has running taught you?
Running has taught me that I can do ANYTHING if I CHOOSE to put the hard work into it. While running, I’ve had the lowest of lows and I’ve had the highest of highs. Nothing makes me feel more alive. Nothing.

Do you belong to any running clubs/groups/etc.? If so, how have they made you become a better runner?
I occasionally run with a group called the Crispy Balance Running Club (weird name, I know!) based out of Harrisburg, PA. I used to do my weekly long runs with them all the time, but now I just show up occasionally. The running club helped me the most when I was first starting out with running and marathons. The more seasoned runners pretty much taught me everything I needed to know to get through my first couple marathons. Also, it’s no fun to run 20 miles by yourself, it’s more fun to do it with friends! I have met some awesome, lifelong friends through that club who I cherish dearly.

Finish this sentence: When I’m not running, I’m…
eating, sleeping, lifting, teaching, drinking coffee, drinking scotch, playing cards with my husband, snuggling my kitty cats, watching The View, blogging… 🙂

What’s your favorite distance to run?
I don’t have a favorite distance.

And your favorite race that you’ve ever completed?
This is so tough because I feel fortunate to have had some awesome race experiences. I’ll have to go with the Bull Run 50 Miler. I got to spend eleven and a half hours running through the beautiful woods with my friend Anne. It was the perfect race day!

Meg (in yellow shirt) competing in the Bull Run.

Your pr time?
Marathon: 3:28:07 (2012)
Half: 1:38:07 (2008) <—- This was the last half I ran! I feel like I should try to improve upon this time!
5k: 19:51 (2013)
Mile: 5:41 (2013)

And your preferred footwear?
Mizuno Wave Riders…. always and forever.

What’s the best running-related advice anyone has ever given you?

And now, what’s a piece of advice you can give to 26.2×2’s fans?
Don’t hold yourself back from a running goal. If you decide to put the hard work in- not just the running work, but the resting work, the cross training work, the nutritional work… you can get it done. If you want it bad enough, it’s YOURS for the taking!

Thanks so much, Meg, for taking the time to answer my questions! I’m sure you’ve inspired my readers just as much as you inspire me!

If you’d like to see yourself as a featured blogger on 26.2×2, please leave a comment below, email me at, contact me on Facebook, or Twitter!

12 thoughts on “Blogger Profile: Meg Go Run

    1. 262x2 Post author

      Mizunos are my favorites, too! I am IN LOVE with them! We’ll look forward to getting to know you in the upcoming months, and I’ll be sure to check out your blog! 🙂

  1. Megan @ Meg Go Run

    Thank you for featuring me, Lis! And double thank you for all your kind words. The reason I started my blog was to connect with others, be positive (90% of the time), and help others, whether it’s from learning from my successes OR my failures! I read your blog every day and I love it. I’m so glad we connected and the next time you take your hubby to Gettysburg you should let him take himself on a self guided tour while we run the battlefields. 🙂

  2. karen

    Love this! I love reading Megan’s blog daily, she is witty “) and always entertaining. I can’t get over how darn fast she is!!! The PR list is very impressive. it’s very cool hubby’s mom was the inspiration to run.

  3. SuzLyfe

    I love that “drinking scotch” is one of your (Megan’s) non-running activities. And OH, do I agree with the don’t over train advice. It can be so hard–you get your mind so set in training mode and you feel like you have to be DOING all the time. But you can so hurt yourself that way. I can’t wait to learn more about her! Thanks so much Lis!

  4. runyourmuttoff

    I love this post, because I love Meg! (well, you know, I like her in a totally not creepy blog stalker way). She’s also one of the first running blogs I found around the time I decided to start blogging last year. So fun reading this profile about her. And yay for surviving an injury and coming back smart and strong, I hope to do the same soon!

  5. emmelineruns

    Yay Meg! P.S. I didn’t realize you were such a speedy 5k’er since you’ve been prepping for Boston since I started my blog…holy cow! I love that you don’t have a favorite distance either, I’m slowly learning to appreciate all of them myself 🙂

    1. Meg Go Run

      That was actually the only 5k I ever ran! I hold the course record for female and want to try to beat it next year. 🙂 I couldn’t beat it this year because of my knee… hehe


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