6 Things I Love Saturday

Today’s Workout: Walked the dogs, lots more walking involved.

Today I was planning on finally going running. It was Saturday, I had all the time in the world, the sun was out (most of the time), and it was supposed to be a high of 52 degrees here in Massachusetts.

Before I planned to go for my run, though, JP bribed me to go to work with him in the morning – if I went with him, he said he’d take me to brunch at a new restaurant he had tried with my dad.

Unfortunately the restaurant he wanted to bring me to was closed, and we ended up going to a different restaurant, Rom’s in nearby Sturbridge, and stopped at an antique shop to look around for a birthday present for my mom (her birthday is next weekend). Long story short, between walking around with JP at work, going to the antique shop, and going to lunch, my knee got really sore, and started creaking. I’m glad I’m not limping like I had been previously, but I was smart enough not to attempt running. I actually thought about attempting it (it was just SO beautiful out, I felt like it would be a waste if I didn’t go running), and mentioned to JP that a mile probably wouldn’t hurt, but he talked me out of it. Guess this lady will finally be going to see the doctor this week. I’m 99% sure it’s runner’s knee but in pretty sick of not getting any exercise whatsoever because I’m afraid I might hurt myself even more.

On a more positive note, it’s time for this week’s installment of 6 Things I Love Saturday!

1) Pancakes. Have I mentioned before how much I absolutely love pancakes? It has become a legend in my family that when I was little my mom made me pancakes every day for a year because I loved them so much. Well, I still love them! It’s become a tradition for me to make myself pancakes on Saturdays. This week, I made my own Protein Packed Peanut Butter Lovers’ Pancakes. They were also gluten free, and simply delicious! I’m going to post a recipe (along with an actual photo of them) tomorrow.

2) This kale salad recipe. I’ve been craving kale lately, so I was really excited when I came across this recipe: who wouldn’t want to try a salad with kale, Parmesan, dates, and roasted almonds? SOOO yummy!

3) The Rocky movies. There’s been a marathon on AMC today and for some reason watching Rocky just makes me feel better when I’m unable to run. I’m not a fan of boxing, but I do love me some Rocky movies!


4) Eye of the Tiger. The jury’s out on this one: I’m not sure which I love more, the Rocky movies or the Rocky soundtrack. I know I’ve played Eye of the Tiger 100x more than I’ve watched the actual movies. After all, Eye of the Tiger is my go to running song when I need a pick me up!

5) Benadryl. I know this one sounds really random but for some reason I always start breaking into hives around this time of year. It has to be some type of seasonal allergy, but between seeing my doctor and even my dermatologist and a specialist, nobody can pinpoint what’s causing it. Benadryl has been my saving grace when it comes to breaking out into hives.

6) Water. For a while I was having trouble hydrating, but now I’m back in full force, making sure I stay fully hydrated so I’m prepared if I can start running at a moment’s notice!

Name two things you are loving this week!

12 thoughts on “6 Things I Love Saturday

  1. Heather @ girlgoesrunning

    I’m hoping to have pancakes today after my long run πŸ˜€ Love them! I also love Kale and have never had Kale salad. I have to confess that I’ve never seen a Rocky movie! LOL.

    I really hope the knee feels better soon!

    1. 262x2 Post author

      If you never had a kale salad, they are great – you must try it! If you make it yourself, you have to let it marinate in salad dressing for a little bit so that it absorbs the taste. Mmm, so good!

  2. Megan @ Meg Go Run

    Ooh I love pancakes too! I never ever eat them… but I ate them every morning before school when I was in HS. My mom would burn them for me because I liked them that way. Plain, burned pancakes. I know, I was weird!!! 2 things I am loving… 1. The “warmer” weather we are having here in PA from time to time and 2. Seinfeld. πŸ™‚

    1. 262x2 Post author

      Haha that’s not weird. One of my friends in college used to like her pancakes burnt on the outside but runny in the middle. No offense to her but I always thought THAT was weird!

  3. irishrunnerchick

    I’m loving the spring weather and roasted brussell sprouts (two days in a row). Still undecided about kale – we got it all the time with our CSA last summer and I just couldn’t love it.

    BTW I have runner’s knee at the moment. I’ve been seeing a physio who has me working on form and strengthening my quads and that seems to be working.

  4. Lily

    gahh runner’s knee! I am interested to hear what the doctor tells you, as I am pretty sure I have the same thing. I miss running so much.


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